An MSN blog? While it may sound as a cheap maneuver by Microsoft to win some traffic and status, it actually isn't. Unlike the MSN Search engine, this blog service by Microsoft may actually b awesome. Cool features include integration with MSN messenger (tons of msn pop-ups for the folks on my msn contact list now ..) and other cool stuff. Can't wait 2 try it out during my xmas break ...
Google Scholar
Google Labs is busy again; this time, two new flavours of Google are in beta. Meet Google Scholar: Search through journal articles, abstracts and other scholarly literature. Can't wait to use it at once...
Google Suggest
The other new variant of Google search. Quote: 'As you type your search, Google offers keyword suggestions in real time'. Awesome.
My very own server
Finally created my own server- and yes, it runs Apache 2.0, not the Microsoft IIS. Here's a foolproof tutorial http://www.tanguay.at/installPhp5.php5?step=1 that I found very very useful.
PHP Calendar
This awesome script is just fantastic- I'm now able to access my calendar on the fly virtually anywhere in the world with just a computer and internet connection. Thanks to this PHP scirpt (thanks to the great guys at ForgeSource) . What you need is any calendar app that supports the .cal standard (see below) and a registration at www.icalx.com.
- Apple iCal
- http://www.apple.com/ical/
- Mozilla Calendar
- http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/
- Ximian Evolution
- http://www.novell.com/products/evolution/
- KOrganizer
- http://korganizer.kde.org/
- WinDates 5.0
- http://www.rockinsoftware.com/windates.htm
Mass Deployment of Firefox
Awesome app that will help large enterprises and schools to make the switch (or anyone with more than 4 computers for that matter)
Microsoft December Security Updates
For all you I.E. folks, be sure to update your Windows right away. This latest flaw is critical. Another reason to use another safer brower like Firefox, Opera, or Netscape.