MP3 Blogs
If you think finding and downloading the latest hits from kazaa and other p2p means is hard, wait to u hear this: MP3 blogs are now sprouting up everywhere.
An mp3 blog is simply just another blog, but one dedicated to mp3s and have links to those mp3s (to be downloaded). G8 thing is that these mp3s are generally much better than those tunes off your local radio station. The downside: they links get taken off after a week due to copyright issues.
Here are some neat ones:
An mp3 blog is simply just another blog, but one dedicated to mp3s and have links to those mp3s (to be downloaded). G8 thing is that these mp3s are generally much better than those tunes off your local radio station. The downside: they links get taken off after a week due to copyright issues.
Here are some neat ones:
It's true that many mp3 blogs host/ link the music files with the permission of the artists. But im sure that there are some sprouting up hosting mp3s without the exclusive permissions of the artists; in my personal humble opinion, this should b legal only if the person hosting it has paid for the song he puts up (and it should be for a limited amount of time, like 1 week). After all, it's like lending that CD with your friend in the good old days before the p2p rampage)
By David, at 11:03 am
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