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Windows Mobile 2005 (aka Magneto) LEAKED!

A user named Gora from xda-developers leaked what seems to me an authentic copy of a Windows Mobile 5.0 ROM, Microsoft's next mobile platform for PDAs and smartphone (Gora, you better start hiding from MS now!). The About dialog displays the following versions:

Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 OS 5.1.1700 (build 14326.0.0.0)
ROM version: 1.50f.00WWE
ROM date: 02/24/05
Radio version: 1.10.00
Protocol version 1337.18

The ROM is extracted (?) from the HTC PH10B Himalaya device. Will keep you updated!

update 1: Download ActiveSync 4 mirror 2
update 2: Download WM2005 mirror 2

Be aware that downloading this software might violate copyright in some countries!



  • These screenshots are not from the leaked ROM. So although they are from some version of 2005, they may not be the 'latest'.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:11 pm  

  • yo bob, these screenshots are that of the WM 2005 PocketPC version. The leaked copy is a more cutomized version of WM2005 (Smartphone edition for O2)

    By Blogger David, at 7:52 pm  

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