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My Gmail down

Seems like my gmail account is down for the first time for more than 8 hours and independent of other gmails. Everyone's work just fine and my just says:

Server Error
Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Just hope that Google will correct as soon as possible. I'm an email person, need to really use it; dont think i can wait much longer....


  • The Gmail messages are funny.
    "Hooray, no spam" for example ;)
    Or like in your situation "Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes".
    Okay, maybe not that much funny, but they are better then the usual 08/15 messages.

    By Blogger Chris, at 2:35 am  

  • I totally agree with you chris; Gmail's totally cool in the way the word things. But i guess it's just Google's approach to things; their auto-replies are much better than the ones Microsoft or any other companies have. Im glad there are gmail fans like u out there.

    By Blogger David, at 9:14 am  

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