Web David's Tech Blog


Can you imagine the Internet without pictures?

'A new flaw in the way Windows, and therefore Internet Explorer, renders JPEG images--one of the most common image formats on the Web--should make you think twice about whether you should display them. At the very least, it should nudge you into considering an alternative Internet browser, such as Firefox.'- From CNET's 'Why you should switch to Firefox NOW'.


  • hey there m8, was glad that ur a concerned reader. like some other bloggers, this blog is just for me and my personal circle of friends and family. but i also dont mind a couple of folks from some other part of the world to browse through it. im very glad that u found that tune very interesting: it's the theme song of sims 2 (im a big fan; it doesnt get me bored too easily like FarCry, CS, C&C Generals etc; though i still play them from time to time). here's the link to download it from cheers

    By Blogger David, at 11:07 am  

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