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Google Desktop

Google Desktop Search
  • Find your email, files, web history and chats instantly
  • View web pages you've seen, even when you're not online
  • Search as easily as you do on Google
  • Google Desktop Search finds:

    Outlook Outlook / Outlook Express Word Word
    AOL IM AOL Instant Messenger Excel Excel
    Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Powerpoint PowerPoint
    Text Text


    To get to a search box, just double-click on the Desktop Search icon in the task tray.

    Finding information with Google Desktop Search is as easy as doing an ordinary web search. Just type what you want to find into the search box on the Desktop Search home page and press "Enter".

    Task tray
    Google Desktop Search task tray

    Google Desktop Search home page
    Google Desktop Search home page

    Search results

    Icons to the left of each search result identify the type of document you've found. For web history results, thumbnail images may appear to the right showing a preview of the page, to make it easier for you to determine if the result is relevant.

    You can filter your results by document type by clicking on the links in the header bar (emails, files, chats, web history).

    Google Desktop Search results
    Google Desktop Search results page

    Email conversation threading

    If an email search result is part of a longer thread or conversation, you have access to all the emails in the conversation, without having to sort through your email inbox.

    Email conversation
    Email conversation

    Chat result

    Searching your past AOL Instant Message (AIM) conversations can help you retrieve information you've forgotten. Maybe you chatted with your friend about a new restaurant in town but can't remember its name. Google Desktop Search can find it for you.

    Chat conversation
    Chat conversation

    Cached views

    You can see previous versions of web pages and files by clicking on the "cached" link under each Google Desktop Search result.

    Web history view Files

    Web search results pages

    Google Desktop Search has made it easy for you to quickly and easily access your results when you do Google searches. Here's how: if you do a regular web search, you'll see that your unique Google Desktop Search results are displayed above the web search results.

    Web search results
    Web results page


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