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Happy 1st Birthday Gmail!

A Google approach to math.

On the eve of Gmail's one-year birthday, our engineers were toiling away furiously. Notes scribbled all over the walls. Complex calculations on napkins and empty pizza boxes. Millions of M&Ms.

The result?... starting today, we're beginning the roll-out of their new and top secret Infinity+1 storage plan. The key features are:

  • Write, don't worry.
    You want to stop caring about storage. We want to keep giving you more. Today, and beyond.

  • The gift that keeps on giving.
    2 gigabytes of storage (and counting) for every user.

  • No complicated equations. No tough algorithms.
    Just this one graph:

PLUS, Gmail's not in the plains anymore
Fonts, bullets and highlighting, oh my! Gmail now offers rich text formatting. And over 60 colors of the rainbow. Discover a land of more than just black and white. Learn more


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