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More conspiracy theories ...

I think i know y my gmail account was down for 6 hours. here's a probable explanation: bfore it went down, the last email i sent was to 4 those of u screen-savers fans
(GTech TV series), you prob already know that the host of the show, Kevin Rose, created a Gmail account to see if Gmail really allows you to have 1GB of storage and invited everyone to send a 5MB attachment mail to that address (; duh). Well, seems like they achieved that goal (they went up to 1023 MB of storage since Google uses the definition of 1GB=1023MB of storage unlike some stingy providers like MSN). Oh well, guess Google wasnt happy with that idea and they prob created some sort of punishment if u were 2 send an email to that address now with ur gmail account (even though i sent a blank one w/o any attachments).


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